Dream up a Good Life

Relax, Dream up a Good Life – 

Jim Carrey


There are so many things in this world we worry about each day, so much of it is more about what others may think of us than purposely shining our own light.  And choosing to shine our own light brighter each and every day. 

It's been almost a year since I shaved my head – to allow my own light to shine bright. 

I don't regret it one bit – and for all the internal struggles with to keep it shaved or not, there are just as many lives that have been changed, and encourage me to continue with my path. 

Each day I find a way to move through the challenges that arise, and I choose to love my life more and more each day, and more and more each day I choose to have my light shine. 

We each only have this one life to live, to love and to make a difference for someone else. 

What kind of life will you choose to live, to love and to make a difference with? 

