Raving Fans

12605466_10204008676897391_816860599833621906_oI love to be of service for my clients, looking ahead and beyond their immediate needs, and making suggestions / recommendations to support them now and in their future growth with their business strategies and planing and producing profitable events they are proud of.

Look what some of them have to say…


Lynne Sagen has been my coach for these last 4 months – and a friend for years. As fellow coaches, in present and past iterations, we both know the value of a good listener, a calming voice – especially when your internal voices are screaming – and love. Lynne has blessed me with all of that, and more, in our time together.

Lynne brings a quiet strength and honest, open spirit that allows for freedom, and authenticity – on both sides – candor after all, being the basis of trust. Without it there can be no growth. She helped me unearth some long buried “demons”, which allowed for a clean discovery of their source – fear. And then, reminded me that I knew the answer to my own questions, to my own fears. I am someone today I wasn’t 4 months ago – stronger, more grounded, more aware of my strengths, and more accepting of my faults – because of my time sharing with Lynne.

I highly recommend her partnership. You will not regret the time, with her, spent in discovery.

~ Joanna Desa, Joanna De Sa Deputy Director, City of San Jose – RETIRED San Leandro, CA




Mary Liu Speak Your Truth Women's Conference http://speakyourtruthconference.com/


Her events are “like being held by the earth”


Elisa Mehl http://elisamehl.com/


“…it was flawless Mark & Shannon Big Impact Live

We were so glad to have Lynne Sagen with us as our Event Manager for our recent Big Impact Live Event. For us, it was flawless. All the details of the weekend were handled so we could show up and do our thing, connect with the participants and serve our people.
Lynne provided stability and rock solid groundedness for the team and held space in the room in a way that really made a difference for us, the team and our people.
Thank you Lynne, you rock! lynne-shannon-bigimpactlife

Mark Allen Grainger & Shannon Law – Big Impact Live http://bigimpactlive.com


Yvonne Hula for the Soul http://hulaforthesoul.com/


“Secret Weapon” for the Entrepreneur…

Lynne Sagen is the consummate ‘secret weapon’ for the entrepreneur who is interested in starting, growing, or more importantly, maximizing your already established business. Without Lynne’s expert help and advice, my recent branding campaign would not have been nearly so successful. Ms. Sagen is more than a tech expert/web master. Her skill and mastery of the technical issues behind most Internet-related entrepreneurial tasks is beyond repute. She does everything with consummate dedication and perfection. However, what Lynne brings to the game that most ‘tech experts’ do not is the ability to coach the business and branding part of the game. In that respect, she is very much more than a web master or tech expert. I cannot express my gratitude enough for the way her expert eye caught so many business mistakes before they cost me. More than that, her expert coaching based on her many years of experience (after working with so many high-end entrepreneurs) enhanced so many of my projects that I cannot imagine working with a regular ‘web master’ again. If you want to go beyond the HTML blues to a master of the technical game who offers you all that AND solid business coaching, Lynne is the person to hire. With every conversation you have while working with Lynne, it is like having a mini-VIP day with your business coach. I can’t recommend her enough for the entrepreneur who wants to take their business and all of its branding to the next level.

Gary D. Salyer, Ph.D
Safe to Love Again Workshop


La Tanyua Brown, Empowered Widow